

The Chinese Historical Society of New England (CHSNE) is a nonprofit entity incorporated in Massachusetts in 1992.

It is the first educational organization dedicated solely to documenting, preserving, and promoting the history and legacy of Chinese immigration in New England. The CHSNE is governed by board members and staff representing a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and expertise. Active community collaboration and membership participation underline our program development, exhibit design and collection building.

We believe that the history of a multi-dimensional community should not be left to the interpretation and safekeeping by only a selected few. Based in Boston’s Chinatown, the CHSNE advocates historical conservation that respects both the physical built environment and its host community.

To sustain broad-based support, the CHSNE strives to make historical inquiry relevant and immediate to as many of our constituents as possible, the Chinatown Heritage Trail Project and the Renovation of Mt. Hope Chinese Burial Grounds being two examples. In a society increasingly marked by diversity – or fragmentation, as some would argue, the CHSNE seeks to provide forums and opportunities that will promote cross-cultural understanding and mutual respect. Above all, by rediscovering the achievements of Chinese immigrants and reaffirming the value of personal trials and triumphs, the CHSNE intend to provide a healing place and a common ground for collective celebration and rejuvenation.

Statement of Mission
Adopted on March 12, 1992

To Document, Preserve and Promote the History of Chinese Immigration and Legacy in New England

To collect, preserve and display artifacts, oral and printed materials, and other manifestations of Chinese-American legacy;

To study, interpret and share the contributions of the Chinese in New England to American Society;

To educate the public and enhance intercultural understanding of the Chinese-American community;

To identify, commemorate and preserve locales, structures, and places of historical significance to the development of the Chinese-American community;

To pursue innovative financial and technical means for historical rehabilitation and reuse relevant to or for the benefit of the Chinese-American community;

To establish a headquarters and network to house, exhibit, publish and produce works, cultural artifacts and other suitable media documenting and representing the experience of Chinese in New England; and

To collaborate with other entities, locally and nationally, in pursuing similar missions and objectives.


Email: info@chsne.org

Telephone: 617-338-4339

Office visits by appointment only

Managing Director:

  • Alice Kane

CHSNE Board of Directors*

Board members, past and present, at the 2017 Annual Meeting and Dinner Banquet

President: Sherry Dong
Treasurer: Joseph Wang
Clerk: Stephanie Fan

Board Members:

  • Peter K. Chan – Retired Federal Civil Rights Manager; Co-Founder of Chinese Historical Society of New England
  • Nelson M. Chin – Senior Programmer Analyst, Boston Scientific
  • Thomas Chin – Retired financial manager and nursing home director
  • Sherry Dong – Executive Director, Community Benefits and Community Health Initiatives, Tufts Medical Center
  • Stephanie Fan – Retired educator and consultant
  • David Li – Reporter, bostonese.com; Founder of Boston Bilingual Media & Publishing Inc.
  • York Lo – Head of Institutional and Retirement Product Development,
    John Hancock Investment Management
  • Joseph Y. Wang – Counsel, Rich May, PC
  • Lisa Wong – Town Administrator, South Hadley, MA
  • Nancy Wong – Graduate Program Manager, Northeastern University

*Affiliations listed for identification purposes only

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